Uses of Class

Packages that use ContainerType   

Uses of ContainerType in

Fields in declared as ContainerType
private  ContainerType MetadataDescriptor.containerType
          Stores the containerType of the descriptor.
private  ContainerType MetadataContainer.containerType
          stores the represented container type.

Methods in that return ContainerType
private static ContainerType MetadataContainer.determineType(GUID guid)
          Looks up all guids and returns the matching type.
 ContainerType MetadataDescriptor.getContainerType()
          Returns the container type this descriptor ist restricted to.
 ContainerType MetadataContainer.getContainerType()
          Returns the type of container this instance represents.
static ContainerType[] ContainerType.getOrdered()
          Returns the elements in an order, that indicates more capabilities (ascending).
static ContainerType ContainerType.valueOf(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static ContainerType[] ContainerType.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in with parameters of type ContainerType
static boolean ContainerType.areInCorrectOrder(ContainerType low, ContainerType high)
          Determines if low has <= index as high, in respect to getOrdered()
 MetadataContainer MetadataContainerFactory.createContainer(ContainerType type)
          Creates an appropriate container implementation for the given container type.
 MetadataContainer MetadataContainerFactory.createContainer(ContainerType type, long pos, java.math.BigInteger chunkSize)
          Convenience Method for I/O.
 MetadataContainer[] MetadataContainerFactory.createContainers(ContainerType[] types)
          Convenience method which calls MetadataContainerFactory.createContainer(ContainerType) for each given container type.
 MetadataContainer AsfHeader.findMetadataContainer(ContainerType type)
          This method searches for a metadata container of the given type.
 int MetadataDescriptor.getCurrentAsfSize(ContainerType type)
          Returns the size (in bytes) this descriptor will take when written to an ASF file.
 int MetadataDescriptor.writeInto( out, ContainerType contType)
          Writes this descriptor into the specified output stream.

Constructors in with parameters of type ContainerType
MetadataContainer(ContainerType type)
          Creates an instance.
MetadataContainer(ContainerType type, long pos, java.math.BigInteger size)
          Creates an instance.
MetadataDescriptor(ContainerType type, java.lang.String propName, int propType)
          Creates an Instance.
MetadataDescriptor(ContainerType type, java.lang.String propName, int propType, int stream, int language)
          Creates an Instance.

Uses of ContainerType in

Fields in declared as ContainerType
private  ContainerType AsfFieldKey.highestContainer
          The highest possible container type, such a field can be stored into.
High means, most capabilities, for example string length exceeds that of the extended content description, it will be stored one level up (metadata library).
private  ContainerType AsfFieldKey.lowestContainer
          The lowest possible container type, such a field can be stored into.
Low means, container with least capabilities.

Methods in that return ContainerType
 ContainerType AsfFieldKey.getHighestContainer()
 ContainerType AsfFieldKey.getLowestContainer()

Constructors in with parameters of type ContainerType
AsfFieldKey(java.lang.String asfFieldName, boolean multiValue, ContainerType restrictedTo)
          Creates an instance.
AsfFieldKey(java.lang.String asfFieldName, boolean multiValue, ContainerType lowest, ContainerType highest)
          Creates an instance.