Uses of Interface

Packages that use ChunkReader   

Uses of ChunkReader in

Classes in that implement ChunkReader
 class AsfExtHeaderReader
          This reader reads an ASF header extension object from an InputStream and creates an AsfExtendedHeader object.
 class AsfHeaderReader
          This class reads an ASF header out of an input stream an creates an AsfHeader object if successful.
(package private)  class ChunkContainerReader<ChunkType extends ChunkContainer>
          This class represents a reader implementation, which is able to read ASF objects (chunks) which store other objects (chunks) within them.
(package private)  class ChunkHeaderReader
          Default reader, Reads GUID and size out of an input stream and creates a Chunkobject, finally skips the remaining chunk bytes.
 class ContentBrandingReader
          This reader is used to read the content branding object of ASF streams.
 class ContentDescriptionReader
          Reads and interprets the data of a ASF chunk containing title, author...
(package private)  class EncodingChunkReader
          This class reads the chunk containing encoding data
Implementation is not completed.
(package private)  class EncryptionChunkReader
          This class reads the chunk containing encoding data
Implementation is not completed.
 class FileHeaderReader
          Reads and interprets the data of the file header.
 class LanguageListReader
          Reads and interprets the "Language List Object" of ASF files.
 class MetadataReader
          Reads an interprets "Metadata Object", "Metadata Library Object" and "Extended Content Description" of ASF files.
 class StreamBitratePropertiesReader
          This class reads the chunk containing the stream bitrate properties.
 class StreamChunkReader
          Reads and interprets the data of the audio or video stream information chunk.

Fields in with type parameters of type ChunkReader
protected  java.util.Map<GUID,ChunkReader> ChunkContainerReader.readerMap
          Registers GUIDs to their reader classes.

Methods in with type parameters of type ChunkReader
<T extends ChunkReader>
ChunkContainerReader.register(java.lang.Class<T> toRegister)
          Registers the given reader.

Methods in that return ChunkReader
protected  ChunkReader ChunkContainerReader.getReader(GUID guid)
          Gets a configured reader instance for ASF objects (chunks) with the specified guid.

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type ChunkReader
AsfExtHeaderReader(java.util.List<java.lang.Class<? extends ChunkReader>> toRegister, boolean readChunkOnce)
          Creates a reader instance, which only utilizes the given list of chunk readers.
AsfHeaderReader(java.util.List<java.lang.Class<? extends ChunkReader>> toRegister, boolean readChunkOnce)
          Creates an instance of this reader.
ChunkContainerReader(java.util.List<java.lang.Class<? extends ChunkReader>> toRegister, boolean readChunkOnce)
          Creates a reader instance, which only utilizes the given list of chunk readers.