Uses of Class

Packages that use AsfTagField   

Uses of AsfTagField in

Subclasses of AsfTagField in
(package private)  class AbstractAsfTagImageField
          An AbstractAsfTagImageField is an abstract class for representing tag fields containing image data.
 class AsfTagBannerField
          This field represents the image content of the banner image which is stored in the content branding chunk of ASF files.
 class AsfTagCoverField
          Encapsulates the WM/Pictures provides some convenience methods for decoding the binary data it contains

The value of a WM/Pictures metadata descriptor is as follows:

byte0 Picture Type byte1-4 Length of the image data mime type encoded as UTF-16LE null byte null byte description encoded as UTF-16LE (optional) null byte null byte image data

 class AsfTagTextField
          Represents a tag text field for ASF fields.

Methods in that return AsfTagField
 AsfTagField AsfTag.getFirstField(FieldKey genericKey)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type AsfTagField
 java.util.Iterator<AsfTagField> AsfTag.getAsfFields()
          This method iterates through all stored fields.
This method can only be used if this class has been created with field conversion turned on.