Uses of Class

Packages that use InvalidAudioFrameException   

Uses of InvalidAudioFrameException in

Methods in that throw InvalidAudioFrameException
static AudioFile f)

Read the tag contained in the given file.

 AudioFile AudioFileIO.readFile( f)

Read the tag contained in the given file.


Uses of InvalidAudioFrameException in

Methods in that throw InvalidAudioFrameException
 AudioFile f)

Uses of InvalidAudioFrameException in

Methods in that throw InvalidAudioFrameException
 AudioFile f)

Uses of InvalidAudioFrameException in

Methods in that throw InvalidAudioFrameException
private  MP3AudioHeader MP3File.checkAudioStart(long startByte, MP3AudioHeader currentHeader)
          Regets the audio header starting from start of file, and write appropriate logging to indicate potential problem to user.
 long MP3File.getMP3StartByte( file)
          Used by tags when writing to calculate the location of the music file
static MPEGFrameHeader MPEGFrameHeader.parseMPEGHeader(java.nio.ByteBuffer bb)
          Parse the MPEGFrameHeader of an MP3File, file pointer returns at end of the frame header
static VbriFrame VbriFrame.parseVBRIFrame()
          Parse the VBRIFrame of an MP3File, cannot be called until we have validated that this is a VBRIFrame
static XingFrame XingFrame.parseXingFrame()
          Parse the XingFrame of an MP3File, cannot be called until we have validated that this is a XingFrame
 AudioFile f)
 AudioFile MP3FileReader.readMustBeWritable( f)
private  void MPEGFrameHeader.setBitrate()
          Get the setBitrate of this frame
private  void MPEGFrameHeader.setChannelMode()
          Set the Mpeg channel mode of this frame as a constant (see constants)
private  void MPEGFrameHeader.setEmphasis()
          Get the setEmphasis mode of this frame in a string representation
private  void MPEGFrameHeader.setLayer()
          Get the layer version of this frame as a constant int value (see constants)
private  void MPEGFrameHeader.setModeExtension()
          Sets the string representation of the mode extension of this frame
private  void MPEGFrameHeader.setSamplingRate()
          set the sampling rate in Hz of this frame
private  void MPEGFrameHeader.setVersion()
          Set the version of this frame as an int value (see constants)

Constructors in that throw InvalidAudioFrameException
MP3AudioHeader( seekFile)
          Search for the first MP3Header in the file

The search starts from the start of the file, it is usually safer to use the alternative constructor that allows you to provide the length of the tag header as a parameter so the tag can be skipped over.

MP3AudioHeader( seekFile, long startByte)
          Search for the first MP3Header in the file

Starts searching from location startByte, this is because there is likely to be an ID3TagHeader before the start of the audio.

MP3File( file)
          Creates a new MP3File datatype and parse the tag from the given file Object.
MP3File( file, int loadOptions)
          Creates a new MP3File datatype and parse the tag from the given file Object, files must be writable to use this constructor.
MP3File( file, int loadOptions, boolean readOnly)
          Creates a new MP3File datatype and parse the tag from the given file Object, files can be onpened read only if required.
MP3File(java.lang.String filename)
          Creates a new MP3File datatype and parse the tag from the given filename.
          Hide Constructor
MPEGFrameHeader(byte[] b)
          Try and create a new MPEG frame with the given byte array and decodes its contents If decoding header causes a problem it is not a valid header