Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractDataType

Uses of AbstractDataType in org.jaudiotagger.tag.datatype

Subclasses of AbstractDataType in org.jaudiotagger.tag.datatype
 class AbstractString
          A partial implementation for String based ID3 fields
 class BooleanByte
          Represents a bit flag within a byte
 class BooleanString
 class ByteArraySizeTerminated
          Represents a stream of bytes, continuing until the end of the buffer.
 class ID3v2LyricLine
 class Lyrics3Image
 class Lyrics3Line
 class Lyrics3TimeStamp
 class MultipleTextEncodedStringNullTerminated
          Represents a datatype that supports multiple terminated Strings (there may only be one)
 class NumberFixedLength
          Represents a number held as a fixed number of digits.
 class NumberHashMap
          Represents a number thats acts as a key into an enumeration of values
 class NumberVariableLength
          Represents a number which may span a number of bytes when written to file depending what size is to be represented.
 class PairedTextEncodedStringNullTerminated
          Represents a datatype that allow multiple Strings but they should be paired, i.e should be 2,4,6..
 class PartOfSet
          Represents the form 01/10 whereby the second part is optional.
 class StringDate
          Represents a timestamp field
 class StringDateTime
          Represents a timestamp field
 class StringFixedLength
          Represents a fixed length String, whereby the length of the String is known.
 class StringHashMap
          Represents a String thats acts as a key into an enumeration of values.
 class StringNullTerminated
          Represents a String whose size is determined by finding of a null character at the end of the String with fixed text encoding.
 class StringSizeTerminated
          Represents a String which is not delimited by null character with fixed text encoding.
 class TextEncodedStringNullTerminated
          Represents a String whose size is determined by finding of a null character at the end of the String.
 class TextEncodedStringSizeTerminated
          Represents a String which is not delimited by null character.

Constructors in org.jaudiotagger.tag.datatype with parameters of type AbstractDataType
AbstractDataType(AbstractDataType copyObject)
          This is used by subclasses, to clone the data within the copyObject

TODO:It seems to be missing some of the more complex value types.


Uses of AbstractDataType in org.jaudiotagger.tag.id3

Fields in org.jaudiotagger.tag.id3 with type parameters of type AbstractDataType
protected  java.util.ArrayList<AbstractDataType> AbstractTagFrameBody.objectList
          List of data types that make up this particular frame body.

Methods in org.jaudiotagger.tag.id3 that return AbstractDataType
 AbstractDataType AbstractTagFrameBody.getObject(java.lang.String identifier)
          Returns the datatype with the specified identifier