Package org.jaudiotagger.tag.mp4

Class Summary
Mp4Tag A Logical representation of Mp4Tag, i.e the meta information stored in an Mp4 file underneath the moov.udt.meta.ilst atom.
Mp4TagCreator Create raw content of mp4 tag data, concerns itself with atoms upto the ilst atom

Mp4TagField This abstract class represents a link between piece of data, and how it is stored as an mp4 atom

Note there isnt a one to one correspondance between a tag field and a box because some fields are represented by multiple boxes, for example many of the MusicBrainz fields use the '----' box, which in turn uses one of mean, name and data box.


Enum Summary
Mp4FieldKey Starting list of known mp4 metadata fields that follow the Parent,Data or ---,issuer,name,data convention.
Mp4NonStandardFieldKey This a list of mp4boxes identifiers that break various rules, but should be documented nonetheless, they will be created by applications other than iTunes, as we regard iTunes as the defacto standard for Mp4 files (but certainly not any other format such as mp3 !).