Package org.jaudiotagger.tag

Interface Summary
Tag This interface represents the basic data structure for the default audiolibrary functionality.

Some audio file tagging systems allow to specify multiple values for one type of information.

TagField Implementing classes represent a tag field for the entagged audio library.
Very basic functionality is defined for use with Tag.
TagTextField This interface extends the default field definition by methods for working with human readable text.
A TagTextField does not store binary data.

Class Summary
ImageHandling User: paul Date: 11-Dec-2008

Enum Summary
FieldKey This is an enumeration of fields implemented by all major formats

This enumeration is used by subclasses to map from the common key to their implementation key, the keys are grouped within EnumSets within Tag class.


Exception Summary
EmptyFrameException Thrown when find a Frame but it contains no data.
FieldDataInvalidException Thrown if the try and create a field with invalid data

InvalidDataTypeException Indicates there was a problem parsing this datatype due to a problem with the data such as the array being empty when trying to read from a file.
InvalidFrameException Thrown if frame cannot be read correctly.
InvalidFrameIdentifierException Thrown if a frame identifier isn't valid.
InvalidTagException An InvalidTagException is thrown if a parse error occurs while a tag is being read from a file.
KeyNotFoundException Thrown if the key cannot be found

TagException This is the exception that is always generated by any class in these packages.
TagNotFoundException Thrown if the tag o isn't found.