SongKong 9.0 Drukqs released on 11th May 2023

We are pleased to announce the release of SongKong 9.0 Drukqs.

Release notes - SongKong - 9.0


SONGKONG-1677 Edit Changes pages should be more like Google spreadsheet

SONGKONG-1828 Add separate File Renaming task

SONGKONG-2044 Add Elapsed Time as column to Reports Summary Page

SONGKONG-2174 Split Format tab into Format and Album Tab

SONGKONG-2352 Profiles should be per task, not shared between tasks

SONGKONG-2397 In Status report each problem reading an image is shown as two errors on Errors and Warnings tabs

SONGKONG-2400 Add Use Artist name from Recording instead of Track option

SONGKONG-2401 Use Artist Name instead of name on cover should only look at track not recording by default

SONGKONG-2403 Switch to use new FontAwesome Fonts

SONGKONG-2404 Remove Ignore metadata when matchignsingle song option

SONGKONG-2405 Modify Melco Lite License Creation

SONGKONG-2407 Add New Meta Grater task for deleting metadata

SONGKONG-2409 Default MP3 Metatag Version to Same as or v24

SONGKONG-2413 RemoteUI:Gui Improvements

SONGKONG-2417 Move some Save options into General Preferences

SONGKONG-2419 Add isPreview and Elapsed Time column to the reports page

SONGKONG-2420 Remove Wizard


SONGKONG-1550 Remote:Edit Metadata fields can go too small when on small screen sizes

SONGKONG-2392 Linux, memory should be set to a percentage of total memory like on other platforms

SONGKONG-2393 If filesystem problems Acoustid can throw uncaught exception when try to load file to fingerprint

SONGKONG-2394 Status Report on large set of files completed without error before all files processed

SONGKONG-2395 Status Report warning messages not clear what they are warning about

SONGKONG-2396 Status report hitting heap errors but message not shown in main page of report or reported to user

SONGKONG-2408 Add artwork in Remote mode doesnt seem to work reliably in Chrome/Safari on Mac

SONGKONG-2411 Plex rename mask doesnt support multi disc albums correctly

SONGKONG-2412 Remote UI:Add Artwork after added to dropzone and replace all doesn't always show mini version of image on each row
