Uses of Class

Packages that use Mp4BoxHeader   

Uses of Mp4BoxHeader in

Fields in declared as Mp4BoxHeader
private  Mp4BoxHeader Mp4AtomTree.moovHeader

Methods in that return Mp4BoxHeader
 Mp4BoxHeader Mp4AtomTree.getBoxHeader(javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode node)
 Mp4BoxHeader Mp4AtomTree.getMoovHeader()

Methods in with parameters of type Mp4BoxHeader
private  void Mp4TagWriter.adjustSizeOfMoovHeader(Mp4BoxHeader moovHeader, java.nio.ByteBuffer moovBuffer, int sizeAdjustment, Mp4BoxHeader udtaHeader, Mp4BoxHeader metaHeader)
          When the size of the metadata has changed and it cant be compensated for by free atom we have to adjust the size of the size field upto the moovheader level for the udta atom and its child meta atom.
private  void Mp4TagWriter.checkFileWrittenCorrectly( rafTemp, Mp4BoxHeader mdatHeader, java.nio.channels.FileChannel fileWriteChannel, Mp4StcoBox stco)
          Check File Written Correctly
private  void Mp4TagWriter.createMetadataAtoms(Mp4BoxHeader moovHeader, java.nio.ByteBuffer moovBuffer, int sizeAdjustment, Mp4BoxHeader udtaHeader, Mp4BoxHeader metaHeader)
private  void Mp4TagReader.createMp4Field(Mp4Tag tag, Mp4BoxHeader header, java.nio.ByteBuffer raw)
          Process the field and add to the tag

Note:In the case of coverart MP4 holds all the coverart within individual dataitems all within a single covr atom, we will add seperate mp4field for each image.


Uses of Mp4BoxHeader in

Subclasses of Mp4BoxHeader in
 class NullPadding
          Some mp4s contain null padding at the end of the file, possibly do with gapless playback.

Fields in declared as Mp4BoxHeader
protected  Mp4BoxHeader AbstractMp4Box.header

Methods in that return Mp4BoxHeader
 Mp4BoxHeader AbstractMp4Box.getHeader()
static Mp4BoxHeader Mp4BoxHeader.seekWithinLevel(java.nio.ByteBuffer data, java.lang.String id)
          Seek for box with the specified id starting from the current location of filepointer,

Note it won't find the box if it is contained with a level below the current level, nor if we are at a parent atom that also contains data and we havent yet processed the data.

static Mp4BoxHeader Mp4BoxHeader.seekWithinLevel( raf, java.lang.String id)
          Seek for box with the specified id starting from the current location of filepointer,

Note it wont find the box if it is contained with a level below the current level, nor if we are at a parent atom that also contains data and we havent yet processed the data.


Constructors in with parameters of type Mp4BoxHeader
Mp4AlacBox(Mp4BoxHeader header, java.nio.ByteBuffer dataBuffer)
          DataBuffer must start from from the start of the body
Mp4DrmsBox(Mp4BoxHeader header, java.nio.ByteBuffer dataBuffer)
Mp4EsdsBox(Mp4BoxHeader header, java.nio.ByteBuffer dataBuffer)
          DataBuffer must start from from the start of the body
Mp4FtypBox(Mp4BoxHeader header, java.nio.ByteBuffer dataBuffer)
Mp4HdlrBox(Mp4BoxHeader header, java.nio.ByteBuffer dataBuffer)
          DataBuffer must start from from the start of the body
Mp4MdhdBox(Mp4BoxHeader header, java.nio.ByteBuffer dataBuffer)
Mp4MetaBox(Mp4BoxHeader header, java.nio.ByteBuffer dataBuffer)
Mp4Mp4aBox(Mp4BoxHeader header, java.nio.ByteBuffer dataBuffer)
Mp4MvhdBox(Mp4BoxHeader header, java.nio.ByteBuffer dataBuffer)
Mp4StcoBox(Mp4BoxHeader header, java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
          Construct box from data and show contents
Mp4StcoBox(Mp4BoxHeader header, java.nio.ByteBuffer originalDataBuffer, int adjustment)
          Construct box from data and adjust offets accordingly
Mp4StsdBox(Mp4BoxHeader header, java.nio.ByteBuffer dataBuffer)

Uses of Mp4BoxHeader in org.jaudiotagger.tag.mp4

Fields in org.jaudiotagger.tag.mp4 declared as Mp4BoxHeader
protected  Mp4BoxHeader Mp4TagField.parentHeader

Constructors in org.jaudiotagger.tag.mp4 with parameters of type Mp4BoxHeader
Mp4TagField(Mp4BoxHeader parentHeader, java.nio.ByteBuffer data)
          Used by reverese dns when reading from file, so can identify when there is a data atom

Uses of Mp4BoxHeader in org.jaudiotagger.tag.mp4.atom

Constructors in org.jaudiotagger.tag.mp4.atom with parameters of type Mp4BoxHeader
Mp4DataBox(Mp4BoxHeader header, java.nio.ByteBuffer dataBuffer)
Mp4MeanBox(Mp4BoxHeader header, java.nio.ByteBuffer dataBuffer)
Mp4NameBox(Mp4BoxHeader header, java.nio.ByteBuffer dataBuffer)

Uses of Mp4BoxHeader in org.jaudiotagger.tag.mp4.field

Constructors in org.jaudiotagger.tag.mp4.field with parameters of type Mp4BoxHeader
Mp4TagRawBinaryField(Mp4BoxHeader header, java.nio.ByteBuffer raw)
          Construct binary field from rawdata of audio file
Mp4TagReverseDnsField(Mp4BoxHeader parentHeader, java.nio.ByteBuffer data)
          Construct from existing file data