Uses of Class

Packages that use Mp4TagField

Uses of Mp4TagField in org.jaudiotagger.tag.mp4

Methods in org.jaudiotagger.tag.mp4 that return Mp4TagField
 Mp4TagField Mp4Tag.getFirstField(FieldKey genericKey)
 Mp4TagField Mp4Tag.getFirstField(Mp4FieldKey mp4Key)

Uses of Mp4TagField in org.jaudiotagger.tag.mp4.field

Subclasses of Mp4TagField in org.jaudiotagger.tag.mp4.field
 class Mp4DiscNoField
          Represents the Disc No field

 class Mp4GenreField
          Represents the Genre field , when user has selected from the set list of genres

 class Mp4TagBinaryField
          Represents binary data

 class Mp4TagByteField
          Represents a single byte as a number

 class Mp4TagCoverField
          Represents Cover Art

 class Mp4TagRawBinaryField
          Represents raw binary data

 class Mp4TagReverseDnsField
          Represents reverse dns field, used for custom information

 class Mp4TagTextField
          Represents a single text field

 class Mp4TagTextNumberField
          Represents simple text field that contains an array of number,

 class Mp4TrackField
          Represents the Track No field