Uses of Class

Packages that use KeyNotFoundException   

Uses of KeyNotFoundException in

Methods in that throw KeyNotFoundException
 AsfTagTextField AsfTag.createField(FieldKey genericKey, java.lang.String value)
          Create a new field based on generic key, used internally by the library

 void AsfTag.deleteField(FieldKey fieldKey)
          Delete any fields with this key
 java.util.List<TagField> AsfTag.getFields(FieldKey fieldKey)
          Returns a list of TagField objects whose "id" is the specified one.
 java.lang.String AsfTag.getFirst(FieldKey genericKey)
          Retrieve String value of the first tagfield that exists for this generic key
 AsfTagField AsfTag.getFirstField(FieldKey genericKey)

Uses of KeyNotFoundException in

Methods in that throw KeyNotFoundException
 void AbstractTag.addField(FieldKey genericKey, java.lang.String value)
          Create new field and add it to the tag
 TagField GenericTag.createField(FieldKey genericKey, java.lang.String value)
abstract  TagField AbstractTag.createField(FieldKey genericKey, java.lang.String value)
 void AbstractTag.deleteArtworkField()
          Delete all instance of artwork Field
 void GenericTag.deleteField(FieldKey genericKey)
abstract  void AbstractTag.deleteField(FieldKey fieldKey)
 java.util.List<TagField> AbstractTag.getFields(FieldKey id)
 java.lang.String GenericTag.getFirst(FieldKey genericKey)
abstract  java.lang.String AbstractTag.getFirst(FieldKey genericKey)
 TagField GenericTag.getFirstField(FieldKey genericKey)
abstract  TagField AbstractTag.getFirstField(FieldKey genericKey)
 void AbstractTag.setField(FieldKey genericKey, java.lang.String value)
          Create new field and set it in the tag

Uses of KeyNotFoundException in org.jaudiotagger.tag

Methods in org.jaudiotagger.tag that throw KeyNotFoundException
 void Tag.addField(FieldKey genericKey, java.lang.String value)
          Create the field based on the generic key and add it to the tag
 TagField Tag.createField(FieldKey genericKey, java.lang.String value)
          Create a new field based on generic key, used internally by the library

 void Tag.deleteArtworkField()
          Delete any instance of tag fields used to store artwork
 void Tag.deleteField(FieldKey fieldKey)
          Delete any fields with this key
 java.util.List<TagField> Tag.getFields(FieldKey id)
          Returns a list of TagField objects whose "id" is the specified one.
 java.lang.String Tag.getFirst(FieldKey id)
          Retrieve String value of the first tagfield that exists for this generic key
 void Tag.setField(FieldKey genericKey, java.lang.String value)
          Create the field based on the generic key and set it in the tag

Uses of KeyNotFoundException in org.jaudiotagger.tag.flac

Methods in org.jaudiotagger.tag.flac that throw KeyNotFoundException
 void FlacTag.addField(FieldKey genericKey, java.lang.String value)
 TagField FlacTag.createField(FieldKey genericKey, java.lang.String value)
 void FlacTag.deleteArtworkField()
          Delete all instance of artwork Field
 void FlacTag.deleteField(FieldKey fieldKey)
          Delete any instance of tag fields with this key
 java.util.List<TagField> FlacTag.getFields(FieldKey id)
 java.lang.String FlacTag.getFirst(FieldKey id)
 TagField FlacTag.getFirstField(FieldKey genericKey)
 void FlacTag.setField(FieldKey genericKey, java.lang.String value)

Uses of KeyNotFoundException in org.jaudiotagger.tag.id3

Methods in org.jaudiotagger.tag.id3 that throw KeyNotFoundException
 void ID3v1Tag.addField(FieldKey genericKey, java.lang.String value)
 void AbstractID3v2Tag.addField(FieldKey genericKey, java.lang.String value)
 TagField AbstractID3v2Tag.createField(FieldKey genericKey, java.lang.String value)
          Create a new TagField

Only textual data supported at the moment.

 TagField ID3v22Tag.createTagField(ID3v22FieldKey id3Key, java.lang.String value)
          Create Frame for Id3 Key

Only textual data supported at the moment, should only be used with frames that support a simple string argument.

 TagField ID3v23Tag.createTagField(ID3v23FieldKey id3Key, java.lang.String value)
          Create Frame for Id3 Key

Only textual data supported at the moment, should only be used with frames that support a simple string argument.

 TagField ID3v24Tag.createTagField(ID3v24FieldKey id3Key, java.lang.String value)
          Create Frame for Id3 Key

Only textual data supported at the moment, should only be used with frames that support a simple string argument.

 void ID3v1Tag.deleteArtworkField()
          Delete all instance of artwork Field
 void AbstractID3v2Tag.deleteArtworkField()
          Delete all instance of artwork Field
 void AbstractID3v2Tag.deleteField(FieldKey genericKey)
          Delete fields with this generic key
 void ID3v22Tag.deleteTagField(ID3v22FieldKey id3v22FieldKey)
          Delete fields with this id3v22FieldKey
 void ID3v23Tag.deleteTagField(ID3v23FieldKey id3v23FieldKey)
          Delete fields with this id3v23FieldKey
 void ID3v24Tag.deleteTagField(ID3v24FieldKey id3v24FieldKey)
          Delete fields with this id3v24FieldKey
protected  TagField AbstractID3v2Tag.doCreateTagField(AbstractID3v2Tag.FrameAndSubId formatKey, java.lang.String value)
          Create Frame for Id3 Key

Only textual data supported at the moment, should only be used with frames that support a simple string argument.

protected  void AbstractID3v2Tag.doDeleteTagField(AbstractID3v2Tag.FrameAndSubId formatKey)
          Internal delete method
protected  java.lang.String AbstractID3v2Tag.doGetFirst(AbstractID3v2Tag.FrameAndSubId formatKey)
 java.util.List<TagField> AbstractID3v2Tag.get(java.lang.String id)
          Retrieve the values that exists for this id3 frame id
 java.util.List<TagField> AbstractID3v2Tag.getFields(FieldKey genericKey)
          Get field(s) for this key
 java.lang.String AbstractID3v2Tag.getFirst(FieldKey genericKey)
          Retrieve the first value that exists for this generic key
 java.lang.String ID3v22Tag.getFirst(ID3v22FieldKey id3v22FieldKey)
          Retrieve the first value that exists for this id3v22key
 java.lang.String ID3v23Tag.getFirst(ID3v23FieldKey id3v23FieldKey)
          Retrieve the first value that exists for this id3v23key
 java.lang.String ID3v24Tag.getFirst(ID3v24FieldKey id3v24FieldKey)
          Retrieve the first value that exists for this id3v24key
 TagField AbstractID3v2Tag.getFirstField(FieldKey genericKey)
 void ID3v1Tag.setField(FieldKey genericKey, java.lang.String value)
 void AbstractID3v2Tag.setField(FieldKey genericKey, java.lang.String value)

Uses of KeyNotFoundException in org.jaudiotagger.tag.mp4

Methods in org.jaudiotagger.tag.mp4 that throw KeyNotFoundException
 TagField Mp4Tag.createField(FieldKey genericKey, java.lang.String value)
          Create Tag Field using generic key

This should use the correct subclass for the key

 TagField Mp4Tag.createTagField(Mp4FieldKey mp4FieldKey, java.lang.String value)
          Create Tag Field using mp4 key

Uses the correct subclass for the key

 void Mp4Tag.deleteField(FieldKey genericKey)
          Delete fields with this generic key
 void Mp4Tag.deleteTagField(Mp4FieldKey mp4Key)
          Delete fields with this mp4key
 java.util.List<TagField> Mp4Tag.get(Mp4FieldKey mp4FieldKey)
          Retrieve the values that exists for this mp4keyId (this is the internalid actually used)

 java.util.List<TagField> Mp4Tag.getFields(FieldKey genericKey)
          Maps the generic key to the mp4 key and return the list of values for this field
 java.lang.String Mp4Tag.getFirst(FieldKey genericKey)
          Retrieve the first value that exists for this generic key
 java.lang.String Mp4Tag.getFirst(Mp4FieldKey mp4Key)
          Retrieve the first value that exists for this mp4key
 Mp4TagField Mp4Tag.getFirstField(FieldKey genericKey)
 Mp4TagField Mp4Tag.getFirstField(Mp4FieldKey mp4Key)

Uses of KeyNotFoundException in org.jaudiotagger.tag.vorbiscomment

Methods in org.jaudiotagger.tag.vorbiscomment that throw KeyNotFoundException
 TagField VorbisCommentTag.createField(FieldKey genericKey, java.lang.String value)
          Create Tag Field using generic key
 TagField VorbisCommentTag.createTagField(VorbisCommentFieldKey vorbisCommentFieldKey, java.lang.String value)
          Create Tag Field using ogg key
 void VorbisCommentTag.deleteArtworkField()
          Delete all instance of artwork Field
 void VorbisCommentTag.deleteField(FieldKey genericKey)
          Delete fields with this generic key
 void VorbisCommentTag.deleteTagField(VorbisCommentFieldKey vorbisCommentFieldKey)
          Delete fields with this vorbisCommentFieldKey
 java.util.List<TagField> VorbisCommentTag.get(VorbisCommentFieldKey vorbisCommentKey)
          Retrieve the first value that exists for this vorbis comment key
 java.util.List<TagField> VorbisCommentTag.getFields(FieldKey genericKey)
          Maps the generic key to the ogg key and return the list of values for this field
 java.lang.String VorbisCommentTag.getFirst(FieldKey genericKey)
          Retrieve the first value that exists for this generic key
 java.lang.String VorbisCommentTag.getFirst(VorbisCommentFieldKey vorbisCommentKey)
          Retrieve the first value that exists for this vorbis comment key
 TagField VorbisCommentTag.getFirstField(FieldKey genericKey)