Uses of Interface

Packages that use TagField   

Uses of TagField in

Classes in that implement TagField
(package private)  class AbstractAsfTagImageField
          An AbstractAsfTagImageField is an abstract class for representing tag fields containing image data.
 class AsfTagBannerField
          This field represents the image content of the banner image which is stored in the content branding chunk of ASF files.
 class AsfTagCoverField
          Encapsulates the WM/Pictures provides some convenience methods for decoding the binary data it contains

The value of a WM/Pictures metadata descriptor is as follows:

byte0 Picture Type byte1-4 Length of the image data mime type encoded as UTF-16LE null byte null byte description encoded as UTF-16LE (optional) null byte null byte image data

 class AsfTagField
          This class encapsulates a MetadataDescriptorand provides access to it.
 class AsfTagTextField
          Represents a tag text field for ASF fields.

Fields in with type parameters of type TagField
private  java.util.Iterator<TagField> AsfTag.AsfFieldIterator.fieldIterator
          source iterator.

Methods in that return TagField
private  TagField AsfTag.copyFrom(TagField source)
          If AsfTag.isCopyingFields() is true, Creates a copy of source, if its not empty-
However, plain TagField objects can only be transformed into binary fields using their getRawContent() method.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type TagField
 java.util.List<TagField> AsfTag.getCopyright()
          Returns a list of stored copyrights.
 java.util.List<TagField> AsfTag.getFields(FieldKey fieldKey)
          Returns a list of TagField objects whose "id" is the specified one.
 java.util.List<TagField> AsfTag.getRating()
          Returns a list of stored ratings.

Methods in with parameters of type TagField
 void AsfTag.addField(TagField field)
          Add field
 void AsfTagField.copyContent(TagField field)
          This method copies the data of the given field to the current data.
private  TagField AsfTag.copyFrom(TagField source)
          If AsfTag.isCopyingFields() is true, Creates a copy of source, if its not empty-
However, plain TagField objects can only be transformed into binary fields using their getRawContent() method.
private  boolean AsfTag.isValidField(TagField field)
          Check field is valid and can be added to this tag
 void AsfTag.setField(TagField field)
          Set field

Changed:Just because field is empty it doesnt mean it should be deleted.


Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type TagField
AsfTag.AsfFieldIterator(java.util.Iterator<TagField> iterator)
          Creates an isntance.

Uses of TagField in

Classes in that implement TagField
 class MetadataBlockDataPicture
          Picture Block


Methods in with parameters of type TagField
 void MetadataBlockDataPicture.copyContent(TagField field)
          This method copies the data of the given field to the current data.

Uses of TagField in

Classes in that implement TagField
private  class GenericTag.GenericTagTextField
          Implementations of TagTextField for use with "ISO-8859-1" strings.

Fields in with type parameters of type TagField
protected  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.List<TagField>> AbstractTag.fields
          This map stores the ids of the stored fields to the fields themselves.

Methods in that return TagField
 TagField GenericTag.createField(Artwork artwork)
 TagField GenericTag.createField(FieldKey genericKey, java.lang.String value)
abstract  TagField AbstractTag.createField(FieldKey genericKey, java.lang.String value)
 TagField GenericTag.getFirstField(FieldKey genericKey)
abstract  TagField AbstractTag.getFirstField(FieldKey genericKey)
 TagField AbstractTag.getFirstField(java.lang.String id)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type TagField
 java.util.List<TagField> AbstractTag.get(java.lang.String id)
          Get list of fields within this tag with the specified id
 java.util.Iterator<TagField> AbstractTag.getFields()
 java.util.List<TagField> AbstractTag.getFields(FieldKey id)

Methods in with parameters of type TagField
 void AbstractTag.addField(TagField field)
          Add field
 void GenericTag.GenericTagTextField.copyContent(TagField field)
 void AbstractTag.setField(TagField field)
          Set field

Changed:Just because field is empty it doesnt mean it should be deleted.


Uses of TagField in org.jaudiotagger.tag

Subinterfaces of TagField in org.jaudiotagger.tag
 interface TagTextField
          This interface extends the default field definition by methods for working with human readable text.
A TagTextField does not store binary data.

Methods in org.jaudiotagger.tag that return TagField
 TagField Tag.createField(Artwork artwork)
          Create artwork field based on the data in artwork
 TagField Tag.createField(FieldKey genericKey, java.lang.String value)
          Create a new field based on generic key, used internally by the library

 TagField Tag.getFirstField(FieldKey id)
 TagField Tag.getFirstField(java.lang.String id)
          Retrieve the first field that exists for this format specific key


Methods in org.jaudiotagger.tag that return types with arguments of type TagField
 java.util.List<TagField> Tag.get(java.lang.String id)
          Returns a list of TagField objects whose "id" is the specified one.
 java.util.Iterator<TagField> Tag.getFields()
          Iterator over all the fields within the tag, handle multiple fields with the same id
 java.util.List<TagField> Tag.getFields(FieldKey id)
          Returns a list of TagField objects whose "id" is the specified one.

Methods in org.jaudiotagger.tag with parameters of type TagField
 void Tag.addField(TagField field)
          Adds a field to the structure, used internally by the library

 void TagField.copyContent(TagField field)
          This method copies the data of the given field to the current data.
 void Tag.setField(TagField field)
          Sets a field in the structure, used internally by the library


Uses of TagField in org.jaudiotagger.tag.flac

Methods in org.jaudiotagger.tag.flac that return TagField
 TagField FlacTag.createArtworkField(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bi, int pictureType, java.lang.String mimeType, java.lang.String description, int colourDepth, int indexedColouredCount)
          Create Artwork when have the bufferedimage
 TagField FlacTag.createArtworkField(byte[] imageData, int pictureType, java.lang.String mimeType, java.lang.String description, int width, int height, int colourDepth, int indexedColouredCount)
 TagField FlacTag.createField(Artwork artwork)
          Create artwork field
 TagField FlacTag.createField(FieldKey genericKey, java.lang.String value)
 TagField FlacTag.createLinkedArtworkField(java.lang.String url)
          Create Link to Image File, not recommended because if either flac or image file is moved link will be broken.
 TagField FlacTag.getFirstField(FieldKey genericKey)
 TagField FlacTag.getFirstField(java.lang.String id)

Methods in org.jaudiotagger.tag.flac that return types with arguments of type TagField
 java.util.List<TagField> FlacTag.get(java.lang.String id)
 java.util.Iterator<TagField> FlacTag.getFields()
 java.util.List<TagField> FlacTag.getFields(FieldKey id)

Methods in org.jaudiotagger.tag.flac with parameters of type TagField
 void FlacTag.addField(TagField field)
 void FlacTag.setField(TagField field)

Uses of TagField in org.jaudiotagger.tag.id3

Classes in org.jaudiotagger.tag.id3 that implement TagField
 class AbstractID3v2Frame
          This abstract class is each frame header inside a ID3v2 tag.
 class ID3v1TagField
          This class encapsulates the name and content of a tag entry in id3 fields
 class ID3v22Frame
          Represents an ID3v2.2 frame.
 class ID3v23Frame
          Represents an ID3v2.3 frame.
 class ID3v24Frame
          Represents an ID3v2.4 frame.

Methods in org.jaudiotagger.tag.id3 that return TagField
 TagField AbstractID3v2Tag.createAlbumField(java.lang.String content)
 TagField AbstractID3v2Tag.createArtistField(java.lang.String content)
 TagField ID3v24Tag.createArtworkField(byte[] data, java.lang.String mimeType)
          Create Artwork
 TagField ID3v23Tag.createArtworkField(byte[] data, java.lang.String mimeType)
          Create Artwork
 TagField ID3v22Tag.createArtworkField(byte[] data, java.lang.String mimeType)
 TagField AbstractID3v2Tag.createCommentField(java.lang.String content)
 TagField ID3v24Tag.createField(Artwork artwork)
 TagField ID3v23Tag.createField(Artwork artwork)
          Create artwork field based on the data in artwork
 TagField ID3v22Tag.createField(Artwork artwork)
          Create artwork field based on the data in artwork
 TagField ID3v1Tag.createField(Artwork artwork)
 TagField ID3v1Tag.createField(FieldKey genericKey, java.lang.String value)
          Create Tag Field using generic key
 TagField AbstractID3v2Tag.createField(FieldKey genericKey, java.lang.String value)
          Create a new TagField

Only textual data supported at the moment.

 TagField AbstractID3v2Tag.createGenreField(java.lang.String content)
 TagField AbstractID3v2Tag.createLinkedArtworkField(java.lang.String url)
          Create a link to artwork, this is not recommended because the link may be broken if the mp3 or image file is moved
 TagField ID3v22Tag.createTagField(ID3v22FieldKey id3Key, java.lang.String value)
          Create Frame for Id3 Key

Only textual data supported at the moment, should only be used with frames that support a simple string argument.

 TagField ID3v23Tag.createTagField(ID3v23FieldKey id3Key, java.lang.String value)
          Create Frame for Id3 Key

Only textual data supported at the moment, should only be used with frames that support a simple string argument.

 TagField ID3v24Tag.createTagField(ID3v24FieldKey id3Key, java.lang.String value)
          Create Frame for Id3 Key

Only textual data supported at the moment, should only be used with frames that support a simple string argument.

 TagField AbstractID3v2Tag.createTitleField(java.lang.String content)
 TagField AbstractID3v2Tag.createTrackField(java.lang.String content)
 TagField AbstractID3v2Tag.createYearField(java.lang.String content)
protected  TagField AbstractID3v2Tag.doCreateTagField(AbstractID3v2Tag.FrameAndSubId formatKey, java.lang.String value)
          Create Frame for Id3 Key

Only textual data supported at the moment, should only be used with frames that support a simple string argument.

 TagField ID3v1Tag.getFirstField(FieldKey genericKey)
 TagField AbstractID3v2Tag.getFirstField(FieldKey genericKey)
 TagField ID3v1Tag.getFirstField(java.lang.String id)
 TagField ID3v11Tag.getFirstField(java.lang.String id)

Methods in org.jaudiotagger.tag.id3 that return types with arguments of type TagField
 java.util.List<TagField> ID3v1Tag.get(java.lang.String id)
 java.util.List<TagField> AbstractID3v2Tag.get(java.lang.String id)
          Retrieve the values that exists for this id3 frame id
 java.util.List<TagField> ID3v1Tag.getAlbum()
 java.util.List<TagField> ID3v1Tag.getArtist()
 java.util.List<TagField> ID3v1Tag.getComment()
 java.util.Iterator<TagField> ID3v1Tag.getFields()
 java.util.Iterator<TagField> AbstractID3v2Tag.getFields()
 java.util.List<TagField> ID3v1Tag.getFields(FieldKey genericKey)
          Returns a list of TagField objects whose "id" is the specified one.
 java.util.List<TagField> ID3v11Tag.getFields(FieldKey genericKey)
 java.util.List<TagField> AbstractID3v2Tag.getFields(FieldKey genericKey)
          Get field(s) for this key
 java.util.List<TagField> ID3v1Tag.getGenre()
          Get Genre field

 java.util.List<TagField> ID3v1Tag.getTitle()
          Get title field

 java.util.List<TagField> ID3v1Tag.getTrack()
 java.util.List<TagField> ID3v11Tag.getTrack()
 java.util.List<TagField> ID3v1Tag.getYear()
          Get year field

protected  java.util.List<TagField> ID3v1Tag.returnFieldToList(ID3v1TagField field)

Methods in org.jaudiotagger.tag.id3 with parameters of type TagField
 void ID3v1Tag.addField(TagField field)
 void AbstractID3v2Tag.addField(TagField field)
 void ID3v1TagField.copyContent(TagField field)
 void AbstractID3v2Frame.copyContent(TagField field)
 void ID3v1Tag.setField(TagField field)
 void ID3v11Tag.setField(TagField field)
 void AbstractID3v2Tag.setField(TagField field)

Uses of TagField in org.jaudiotagger.tag.mp4

Classes in org.jaudiotagger.tag.mp4 that implement TagField
 class Mp4TagField
          This abstract class represents a link between piece of data, and how it is stored as an mp4 atom

Note there isnt a one to one correspondance between a tag field and a box because some fields are represented by multiple boxes, for example many of the MusicBrainz fields use the '----' box, which in turn uses one of mean, name and data box.


Methods in org.jaudiotagger.tag.mp4 that return TagField
 TagField Mp4Tag.createArtworkField(byte[] data)
          Create artwork field
 TagField Mp4Tag.createDiscNoField(java.lang.String content)
          Create discno field
 TagField Mp4Tag.createField(Artwork artwork)
          Create artwork field
 TagField Mp4Tag.createField(FieldKey genericKey, java.lang.String value)
          Create Tag Field using generic key

This should use the correct subclass for the key

private  TagField Mp4Tag.createGenreField(java.lang.String content)
          Create genre field

 TagField Mp4Tag.createTagField(Mp4FieldKey mp4FieldKey, java.lang.String value)
          Create Tag Field using mp4 key

Uses the correct subclass for the key


Methods in org.jaudiotagger.tag.mp4 that return types with arguments of type TagField
 java.util.List<TagField> Mp4Tag.get(Mp4FieldKey mp4FieldKey)
          Retrieve the values that exists for this mp4keyId (this is the internalid actually used)

 java.util.List<TagField> Mp4Tag.getFields(FieldKey genericKey)
          Maps the generic key to the mp4 key and return the list of values for this field

Methods in org.jaudiotagger.tag.mp4 with parameters of type TagField
 void Mp4Tag.setField(TagField field)
          Set field, special handling for track and disc because they hold two fields

Uses of TagField in org.jaudiotagger.tag.mp4.field

Classes in org.jaudiotagger.tag.mp4.field that implement TagField
 class Mp4DiscNoField
          Represents the Disc No field

 class Mp4GenreField
          Represents the Genre field , when user has selected from the set list of genres

 class Mp4TagBinaryField
          Represents binary data

 class Mp4TagByteField
          Represents a single byte as a number

 class Mp4TagCoverField
          Represents Cover Art

 class Mp4TagRawBinaryField
          Represents raw binary data

 class Mp4TagReverseDnsField
          Represents reverse dns field, used for custom information

 class Mp4TagTextField
          Represents a single text field

 class Mp4TagTextNumberField
          Represents simple text field that contains an array of number,

 class Mp4TrackField
          Represents the Track No field


Methods in org.jaudiotagger.tag.mp4.field with parameters of type TagField
 void Mp4TagTextNumberField.copyContent(TagField field)
 void Mp4TagTextField.copyContent(TagField field)
 void Mp4TagReverseDnsField.copyContent(TagField field)
 void Mp4TagRawBinaryField.copyContent(TagField field)
 void Mp4TagBinaryField.copyContent(TagField field)

Uses of TagField in org.jaudiotagger.tag.vorbiscomment

Classes in org.jaudiotagger.tag.vorbiscomment that implement TagField
 class VorbisCommentTagField
          This class represents the name and content of a tag entry in ogg-files.

Methods in org.jaudiotagger.tag.vorbiscomment that return TagField
 TagField VorbisCommentTag.createField(Artwork artwork)
          Create artwork field Not supported because reuire two fields to be created use
 TagField VorbisCommentTag.createField(FieldKey genericKey, java.lang.String value)
          Create Tag Field using generic key
 TagField VorbisCommentTag.createTagField(java.lang.String vorbisCommentFieldKey, java.lang.String value)
          Create Tag Field using ogg key

This method is provided to allow you to create key of any value because VorbisComment allows arbitary keys.

 TagField VorbisCommentTag.createTagField(VorbisCommentFieldKey vorbisCommentFieldKey, java.lang.String value)
          Create Tag Field using ogg key
 TagField VorbisCommentTag.getFirstField(FieldKey genericKey)

Methods in org.jaudiotagger.tag.vorbiscomment that return types with arguments of type TagField
 java.util.List<TagField> VorbisCommentTag.get(VorbisCommentFieldKey vorbisCommentKey)
          Retrieve the first value that exists for this vorbis comment key
 java.util.List<TagField> VorbisCommentTag.getFields(FieldKey genericKey)
          Maps the generic key to the ogg key and return the list of values for this field

Methods in org.jaudiotagger.tag.vorbiscomment with parameters of type TagField
 void VorbisCommentTag.addField(TagField field)
          Add Field

 void VorbisCommentTagField.copyContent(TagField field)