SongKong 8.2 Forever released on 30th March 2022
We are pleased to announce the release of SongKong 8.2 Forever.
SONGKONG-2295 Delete Reports can take a while if have many report but cursor is not changed can look like SongKong has crashed
SONGKONG-2291 Parsing filename for metadata doesnt deal properly with additional '.' characters in filename
SONGKONG-2288 Null error when nothing in FieldToDelete option
SONGKONG-2287 Not seeming to match to MusicBrainz Album only Discogs when songs have good metadata but not album folders
SONGKONG-2283 SongKong unable to get MusicBrainz coverart when original url is http and redirects to https
SONGKONG-2279 Occasional FileRename Error:Null PointerException
SONGKONG-2278 Include instrument arranger in arranger field
SONGKONG-2248 Windows:Main SongKong application should be SongKong not SongKongGui
SONGKONG-2181 Need to protect against user having all songs in a single folder and the increased memory load required
SONGKONG-2296 Processing superlarge folder can take a long time to get going if no metadata because may submit as one group
SONGKONG-2293 Need to move Fingerprinting to fpcalc 1.5.1 to get Mac M1 chipset support
SONGKONG-2292 Change the default max size of artwork to 1200 so dont need to resize if getting large thumbnails from Caa
SONGKONG-2286 Add support for Cover art
SONGKONG-2285 Add support for Dark Mode for Windows and Linux
SONGKONG-2284 Use FlatLaf LookAndFeel for all platforms
SONGKONG-2282 When add performers from Discogs they should be added alphabetically
SONGKONG-2269 Update all platforms to Java 17 LTS
SONGKONG-2158 Add MacOS M1 Build
SONGKONG-2092 Replace standard Nashorn Javascript with standalone GitHub version